A lot of times when I check out what time it is, it reads 5:18! (ansam518 refers to Ansam May 18 = My birthday)... I told my friend that and she said mostly when she look at her mobile... it reads 11:11...
Isn't that interesting? Do I make sense? Do you get that? Check the time to find out it reads a certain time/number often?
oo my fiend is paranoid min 43
laish madre
for some reason it's always 10:37 when I look at it :)
I get 2.22, 3.33 etc .. it's freaky
We knew someone who always got 6:18... he lived in apartment 618 when he was in college and when we got invited to his wedding... it was in his wife's house, which is in block 6, house 18!
i get 1.23, 2.34, 3.45, and other consecutive numbers frequently. I usually see it as an opportunity to close my eyes and make a wish whenever i am driving around and it occurs.
my theory is the following:
11:11 is always noticed there on the clock because it is easy to remember. You'd recognize it in an instant if you see it on a clock/watch somewhere (given the similarity in the digits, and the hype surrounding the 'mysterious' 11:11 time).
11:25 (an example) is not so intreresting (without similar digits or all ones), and thus you might've seen it an equal number of times as 11:11 but failed to recognize it or even care about it since there's no hype surrounding a lame number like 11:25.
Did it make sense? I sure hope so.
What I'm saying is that technically and logically, with the help of good coincidences, the number of times you have seen the number 11:25 is close or equal to the number of times you've noticed 11:11, it's just that 11:25 is boring whereas 11:11 has a movie and a blogpost on ansam518 about it :p
To prove this, I'll try an experiment for a week. What I'll do is write the time down on a piece of paper every time I read it and will post any interesting finds I get.
Yes, I suck the fun out of things lol :(
oh and 518 is undeniably recognized by you since it's your birthday and part of your blog's name. eshda3wa notices 9:11 (maybe because of september 11th?)
22:22, 3:33, are the same because they're easy to notice as well.
Ok I should get back to work and leave this lol
Get back to work :-P
I am sometimes asked what time it is, and when I check.... it is still 5:18! So your theory kinda weak :-P
Does Isaak know? :-P
mmm interesting I have never noticed that!
Start paying attention :-P
isaac usually takes over the steering wheel whenever i am making my wish...usually it's a quick and simple wish, you know? peace on earth, good will to mankind, obama winning, that sort of thing
i have a chronic problem... and i am not lieng ... every time my car comes to a halt at the traffic light the car in front of me will have numbers like 111, 333, 888, 999... my wife tells me ignore it .. but i get really scare when i see 666 ... i start to panic ... thinking it must be a sign of danger. ...
LOL... but then again! Isnt he Isaac with a K :-P
I always get 9:11
Interesting :-)
Musaed said...
yeah.... like Eshda3wa
Me and my husband always get 11:11, when i was pregnant we used to say that i might give birth on 11/11.. Anyway i did give birth on 12/12 and 9/9 (But it was a planned operation so we choose the date :P)
Interesting :-)
I always see 23:04 (my birthday)..
I think its cuz these dates are familiar so we pay attention?
What I meant inna they dongt just grab my attention... its like someone would ask me what time it is and it would still be 5:18... or even if I wanna check the time, you know! And YAY! you are a Taurus like moi ;-)
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