Last week (and the end of the week before that) I had a chain of accidents. It started of like this...
I was in my closet trying to find matches for my top... I held a skirt up my waist to see if it matches... so as I was backing up, I accidentally stepped on a box of photos I had on the floor that I wanted to store and forgot about.. so I quickly lifted my foot up in the air and fell... I ended up with a broken nail, a huge paper cut above my left ankle (from a HUGE paper shopping bag), and bruised elbow :-(
Few days later, my skin was acting crazy! As we were preparing for the party, anything that touches my skin turn into bumpy skin rash! I am talking carpet, clothes, moving furniture around... it was just scary and it did put me down! The thing is it would appear and disappear in a matter of minutes!! If you can recommend any dermatologist please HELP!
After the party I took off my heels of and accidentally kicked it.... It SIMPLY broke my toe nail which hurts A LOT more than my nail!! Its bad!
I guess I turned clumsy after this... I went with my dad to my grandma's house and guess what????? I closed the door on my toes!!! My dad asked "Whats wrong with you? You are like an accident waiting to happen!?" Then when we went grocery shopping and as I was pushing the cart through the isles, I rolled it over my broken toe nail and help the pain in so that I dont freak my dad again!
Salamat! Matshofeen shar inshalla! I'm actually looking for a good dermatologist myself so let me know if you find one!
Its the Tooooomz curse!!!! see see!
wey wey wey!! kha6ach ilsow :* just be careful dear ;)
Ouch that looks really bad...I hope u feel better soon :) and it nothing its just one of those weeks when u keep getting hurt ;p just be safe while driving!
Look out for yourself and get well soon!
Salamat ... I suggest you wear CATERPILLAR steeltoe's for a while hehe !
omg! its weird how all the accidents are toe related!! salamaat babe!!! hope the rash got better and ur feet/toes are in one peice!! xx
aw ansam thats too bad .. am sorry but it's really scary ,, you have to watch out dear >_<
7araaam salamtich :( 3ain ma9alat 3la el nebey!
b3ad 3umri!!!
Meanwhile, as you look for a decent dermatologist, do you have access to Benedryl cream?
I started off laughing, but the further I read, the more disasterous it all seemed. Hmmmm. . . how is the new job going?
Awwwwch sweetie!!
The rash looks awful, I really pity you!!
Be careful sweetie
Oooh salamat sweety , matshoofeen shar wallah !
Everyone has their on chain accidents for a while not just you :**
Alla yesalmich, eshar mayeech :-)
I will let you know
and I thought it was YOUR curse!
kha6ach ellash
I feel better already hehehe
Thanks :-)
Thank you my friend... LOL goof idea!
Thanks alla yesalmich
Fastidious Babe-
one is finger nail and the other is toe nail... oh and almost toes crash hehehehe
When it rains... it pours!
Alla yesalmich
Organic Kuwait-
I will check in Dad's cabinet tomorrow! It is funny... sad, but funny LOL
My new job is going great :-) Lovin it
His Sweetheart-
Its OK I feel much better... I have too with all the weddings I have to attend (season started LOL)
eshar mayeech :-*
ummbay ansaaam
salamaat babe
u need to take a step back and breath!
that skin rash looks scary
latsekteen 3ala 3mrich
go see a doc asap
oo inshallah malich ela el3afya
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