I wasn't feeling well last night. Headache was killing me, and my throat felt like it was on fire. I used one of those cooling headache pads on my forehead and went to bed at around 10-10:30..
I woke up at 2:00am with muscle and bones aching, fever, headache, sore throat and ears' pain... I felt nauseous! I did not want to bother my parents since they are not feeling well, so I ended up calling my lil sister on her cell and she came in to the rescue. She gave me Panadol Cold & Flu, massaged my head... but I was nowhere near feeling any better, so at around 2:40am we decided to go to the ER.
I arrived with 38.6C fever, by the time I was in the examination room, my temperature was 39.5C. The doctor decided to give me some glucose or Panadol drip (I am not sure/cant really remember) and an injection. I was there till after 5:00am, dead tired and so weak. They managed to get my temperature down and released me with a two days rest note for work. I even suggested to go back to work on Monday if I get better, and the doctor said that I shouldn't. He even said I may need to come back if I dont get any better.
I went back home... the sun was almost up, I went back to bed and slept till 2:40PM!!!!! My mom just came in to check on me, and she said that her and dad came numerous times to check on me but I just did not move... She said my dad even stayed a while with me, tried to talk to me but with no response LOL!
My ears are still killing me, I have no appetite to eat anything (and acidity reflux is not helping)... but I have to since I have some medications to take! Ughhhh! I dont like being sick!
Get well soon, lady. Ye need to gather the rose-buds.
salamaaaaaaat ;*
ooooh sweety , salamtej matshoofeen shar . Inshallah u'll get well soon :**
Weee my dear ma itshofeen shar
Get well soon...
I get flus 10 times a year. Once each month...
Fa i have two remedies...
#1 bring one whole ma6arat chai awsad, 3seer one lemon, o garshat 3asal...
O drink all the ma6ara with 3asal o laimoon... it is the best
but i cannot use it anymore as my body reacts violently to tea and honey when im sick
2nd remedey?
I tried it multiple times. It works
My friend who was pregnant o couldnt take flu medication o it worked for her too
Remember an email once sent? About an onion and sugar?
You make a groove in a white onion, o put inside it one teaspoon of sugar, leave it overnight
Next morning drink the juice forming out of it...
Sounds yucky i know, smells bad, but tastes 100% sugar i swear no traces of onion at all o makes u better in a few hours... u won't lose a thing try it and see...
eeee o 3laj 3atheem b3d if the previous two did not come to ur liking... my brother gave me that one...
Hot milk (preferably semi skimmed) with fresh ginger and honey... u will feel heat emitting from ur body as u drink it and it will soothe u instantly
O ako '3ar'3ara for the bala3eem its colored blue very very good it will make the pain in ur throat disapppear but not the flu
Thanks.. hehehe I dont have the energy. I am still in bed :-S ALL FRIGGIN day in bed, just got out to have a soup and went back right after that
Alla yesalmich :-D
eshar mayeech, alla yesalmich. Inshalla :-)
Daddy's Girl-
eshar mayeech, I do go for that onion remedy, and its helpful sara7a... I do similar tea to yours (its a bit of both, the tea and milk remedies you gave)
It goes:
boiling water, adding ginger and cinnamon sticks. Remove from stove, add lemon juice and fresh mint leaves... a homemade antibiotic hehehe
Oh, that must felt bad!
glad you're up on your feet again!
Momtaz Jedan!
I cannot take any Vitamin C or Tea or Honey or lemon if i have the slightest hint of a flu or i will stay in bed vomiting for weeks...
Yalla sherbay chai o 7leeb chai o 7leb o onions laiman it6ebeen :D
uH salamat Ansam,
get well soon!
waaay atee ma tshofeen shaar enshalah :) slamtich sweety
salamat ma tshofeen shar ;)
matshooofeen shar!
Salamat Ansam, Get Well soon!!!
I too am sick with the flu, my whole body aches,been sleeping most of the day and now I can't sleep ;p
His Sweetheart-
I still feel weak -my body is still aching-, but much better
Thanks :-)
Daddy's Girl-
That sucks!
You are so sweeeeeet... thanks
Alla yesalmik :-)
Thanks... alla yesalmich :-)
New Bride-
Eshar mayeech.. Thanks, alla yesalmich
Alla yesalmich thank you :-)
Eshar mayeech :-)
Web Weaver-
Thanks, alla yesalmich... o salamat to you too. I am drowsy, but sleeping all day is kinda keeping me awake now! I will try and catch some ZzZz's
Salamtik men il ah
Sallamat..hope u feel better soon.
salamaat! hope u feel better soon xx
Alla yesalmik doc
Thanks, alla yesalmik
Fastidious Babe-
Alla yesalmich... Thank you
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