Persian Night turned into Middle Eastern Night.... nevertheless, all dishes were so good and yummy :-D I ate SO MUCH! Hahahaha
Ohhh and I found a Faloodeh place in Sharq. The place is called Marafie, and its in the same building of Baba Taher and across the street from the fire station next to Arraya Mall. I ended up buying faloodeh and saffron ice cream with lemon and pomegranate syrup.
yummy:) bil 3afya:)
1000 3afyaa
Looks YUMMY!
nice... whats the last pic dish?
Bel 3afia! I think I'll go and buy some Faludah, I'm going to the in laws for lunch.
I love the table arrangements!
You just made me really... really hungry! hehe
Everything looks so delicious!
Bel 3afya all of you.
Big Pearls and eshda3wa-
Alla ye3afekom :-D
It was... I ate so much last night LOL
Its Persian dessert called Khamah, my sister asked me what is it.. I told her its sweet bread filled with creamy stuff and she said.. hmmm Persian Eclair LOL
Web Weaver-
I went again earlier hehehehe
Ahmed Al Musallam-
I have been told I have this effect LOL. Alla ye3afeek
thanks for the directions to Marafie, do we have to get the syrups separately ? I'm not familiar with Iranian Faloodeh.
I think Marafie is the most famous in kuwait o 3laich bel3afya
yumm! looks like fun!
lol 3ad 7addi you3ana ..bss ma y9eer akil ..tawni mit3ashya min sa3tain ;D
No problem :-) I went again today hehehehe. The syrup is packaged separately. Its good, give it a try and let me know what you think :-D
Alla ye3afeek... 7etta al kawakeb 7ilwa (malat Boftain)
Fastidious Babe-
Yeah it was :-D
Hanan Sweetypie-
Alla ye3afeeeech :-D hahaha it happens to me sometimes
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