"Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May" is a poem by Robert Herrick. This poem portrays our existence on earth, and that people age as life goes on, and everything becomes boundless. Herrick here urges people to take advantage of youth and energy while they may! The poem is in the genre of carpe diem, to seize the day.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy New Hijri Year :-)

Lets take a moment of silence for all innocent souls lost!


Technogal said...

Same to you :)

Fastidious Babe said...

alla y9abbrhm w yr7am amwathm...

PaLoMiNo said...

Happy new year to u too...

Ansam said...

Thanks :-)

Fastidious Babe-

Thanks :-D

Anonymous said...

i think the archive you wirte is very good, but i think it will be better if you can say more..hehe,love your blog,,,

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